Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Once again, into the breach...

I tried this last year. The whole blog thing.  Going to give it another shot.  Got a Facebook page up for PFCabinetmaker, got an Etsy store, and this blog.  Last year I felt like I needed to find a way forward, now, all of a sudden, I have to make a way forward.  My job for the last six years has been working more or less steadily at a local millwork company.  The company folded in the middle of August and now I need something to do.  So here we go.

Osirase.  お知らせ.  Japanese for 'notice' or 'notification',  hopefully appropriate for a place where I plan to discuss the work I do in my shop, current and upcoming.  I use Japanese and Swedish woodworking tools, working mainly in the Western tradition of cabinetmaking.  I also carve and turn, a little bit of everything.

Phillip Fuentes